Women Makers Series, 2023

Women practice crafts, men make art. Historically, that was the universal belief. It was impossible for women to make art because their work was not worthy of the title.

Crafts offer both functionality and escapism for the everyday person, yet they are rarely celebrated and valued for what they are. The same can be said for women makers in the industry. This series follows five women creatives within the Merseyside region who have turned their work into a full-time business. This project intends to showcase women’s artistic talents, their artforms and demonstrate the tranquillity that practicing a craft can bring. The images intend to inspire others to take up an artform to experience a type of physical and mental therapy, and to tell women that they are capable, that they can succeed, and that their craft is art.


Aurelie - ceramicist from Aura Living


Aurelie - ceramicist from Aura Living


Amy - jewellery designer from Dripped Goods


Amy - jewellery designer from Dripped Goods


Jenn - concrete artist from Lime Street Concrete


Jenn - concrete artist from Lime Street Concrete


Alena - fashion designer from Kudera


Alena - fashion designer from Kudera

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